Could pay for a girl's education up to the high school level for up to a year.
RESCUEMISSION are focused on global development by focusing on community development and elimination of vile practices that harm and enslave people and put them in systemic poverty. We work together, in close partnership with our supporters and partners, including philanthropists, trusts, institutions and governments to make a difference in the lives of people who live in deprived communities to make our world a better place.
RESCUEMISSION believe that partnership is key to making positive changes in poor communities – because when we come together we can achieve more than when we work in our silos. We’re determined to fight poverty, sicknesses and outdated and vile practices that are harmful to poor and vulnerable people in poor communities around the world and help it to recover. We’re focusing on some really big challenges that will help turn things around in our world and we need your help.
We’re the first generation to experience poverty on a greater scale and we could be the last to do something about it. Get Involved …
Change the future of a vulnerable child with great potential to succeed but with no opportunities because of poverty. Become a Rescuer today
We all want to change the lives of the poor and the vulnerable especially to create a better future for children. Leave a gift in your will…
RESCUEMISSION assured that we can win the biggest battles of injustice, poverty, slavery and disease in the smallest instants, if we work together. Whether it’s making small contributions and donations or calling on world leaders and gathering others to come together and act to protect the vulnerable, the sick, disadvantaged and the sick and , we all have a significant role to play in making our world a better place for all humanity.
We keep going on and helping many people because our amazing supporters raise the funds that we need to support the poor …
Get involved with one of the Rescue Mission Events. You can sign up one of RESCUERS’ Fundraising Event in your local area …
Support us to help the poor around the world by becoming a Rescue Mission Volunteer and Supporter. You can sign up now….
Poverty is destroying the lives of many people around while there is enough to share with everyone. Take a stand against poverty…
Write to your MP to get politicians to act to stop injustices, slavery and trafficking that keep people poor and disadvantaged…
Your voice matters and helps to build us to to build a movement for change. Add your voice to fight poverty and NOT the poor…
RESCUEMISSION are not just work with large, established organisations, we receive funds from a range of smaller and newer organisations and individuals. We’re always interested in developing new partnerships with organisations and individuals who share our goals.
We work with Business to achieve their social value by investing in projects that help Rescue Mission to fight against poverty. Get your business involved…
Poverty is wreaking the lives of many people needlessly. Action is required to end poverty and injustice. of the World and fight against these.
We need to get young people to understand the impact of poverty and injustice on people in parts of the World and fight against these.
We work with Business to achieve their social value by investing in projects that help Rescue Mission to fight against poverty. Get your business involved…
Poverty is wreaking the lives of many people needlessly. Action is required to end poverty and injustice. of the World and fight against these.
We need to get young people to understand the impact of poverty and injustice on people in parts of the World and fight against these.
We rely on our generous supporters to fund our global work. Your philanthropy isn’t just crucial for protecting the natural environment, but also for helping support the communities that share them, often in some of the poorest parts of the world.
We work with governments to harness country-wide resources to implement programmes to support the poor…
Several renowned philanthropists are making significant donations to help the disadvantaged communities…
A number of celebrities are leading the way to publicise the plight of the poor organising events to help the poor…
RESCUEMISSION are interested in working with a range of different partners who can help us to fight poverty, trafficking/slavery and diseases around the world. We seek key partners to sponsor individual children, families, communities and schools and hospitals.
We rely on our generous supporters to fund our global work. Your philanthropy isn’t just crucial for protecting the natural environment, but also for helping support the communities that share them, often in some of the poorest parts of the world.
You will be supporting a Volunteer Teacher to support a child’s education. You may even be building a classroom for a poor child to achieve their dreams and aspirations.
This could pay for a medical equipment for medical volunteers to treat a sick child. You could be contributing to building a medical facility to bring home to a community.
Your donation will enable a volunteer medical staff to train and share essential medical skills and expertise with a local medical staff for sustainable medical services to the poor.