Water Project

Could pay for a girl's education up to the high school level for up to a year.


Could help feed 5 girls with nutritional meals so they can continue with their education.
Could pay for a girl's education up to the high school level for up to a year.


While clean water is taken for granted and wasted in many parts of the world, the constant exposure to unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene is resulting hundreds of thousands of needless deaths especially the deaths of many children.

Understandably, water is the foundation of life and is available in many forms. Unfortunately, in Sub-Sahara Africa, far too many people especially women and girls spend their entire day, walk tens of mile in searching for water.

All incidents of cholera outbreaks and infectious diseases in African occur because of dirty water, poor sanitation and hygiene

RESCUEMISSION are working with many deprived and poorest communities in the world to provide clean water for drink, decent toilets and promoting hygiene especially hand washing.

Without access to clean water and appropriate sanitation, the fight against poverty is just a dream especially for hundreds of thousands of women and children especially girls.


RESCUEMISSION are focused on supporting most deprived communities where water is scarce by providing reliable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer unnecessarily from a lack of access to clean water, proper sanitation and appropriate hygiene. We have been assisting communities hit most with water scarcity gain access to clean, safe water by providing training on water management, expertise and financial support for water source construction through our volunteers and partners.

“The Water for Life Project”

The Story of Young People in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Uganda and India

The countries situated in the Sahara Desert are always hit with water scarcity. We work with locally trained engineers and volunteers to build new wells, construct tanks to catch rain, protect springs and install sand dams where appropriate.

In some cases, we have been working with governments of neighbouring countries to transport safe and clean water communities in countries hit hard with scarcity of water.

We lobby governments to implement policies and regulations to ensure that policy makers with local communities to organize resources for property rivers, streams, oases and create dams for harvesting clean water for drinking purposes only.

We empower

RESCUEMISSION in-country experts and representative along with the communities themselves to determine what makes sense. Your donations are providing access to safe and reliable water in many sub-Saharan Africa.

“Toilet Priority Project”

The Story of Toilet Construction In Sri Lanka, Bangladeshi, Mozambique & Ghana

Many women and girls have been subject to sexual harassment, abuse and shame because they have no decent toilet at home or in safe public places and have to go to toilet in the open often with other violent men around.

Many girls and young women have had to missschool and education or stay home from work because of lack of decent toilets and water to help them keep high levels of hygiene especially during their periods

We are constructing safe toilets in 52 schools and providing them with clean water and soap to wash their hands after using the toilet. This is helping many girls to go to schools in Sri Lanka and Bangladeshi.

In Ghana and Mozambique, we are helping more than 1000 families to construct safe and clean toilets in their homes.

We are working with national and local governments to make improvements to public toilets to give privacy to people in using more than 500 public toilets.

With your giving, we removing the health and safety risks that women and girls face in using hazardous toilets which deny them of basic human rights.

“The Safe Water Saves Lives Project”

The Story of Supplying of Tap Water, Safe Dams and Tanks for Collecting Rain Water

Many women and girls have been subject to sexual harassment, abuse and shame because they have no decent toilet at home or in safe public places and have to go to toilet in the open often with other violent men around.

Many girls and young women have had to missschool and education or stay home from work because of lack of decent toilets and water to help them keep high levels of hygiene especially during their periods

For millions of young girls show spend several hours every day to collect water which are unsafe and uncleans and this means they are often late for school or unable to work and this puts them at a disadvantage to men and boys.  Above all else, drinking, cooking and washing with this dirty water exposes children, girls and women to deadly diseases such as cholera, dysentery, Typhoid fever and many infectious diseases which could result in deaths every day. But giving is changing the lives of 10,000 of children, girls and women in Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and DR Congo.